Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Extra Credit

since you are all now expert about seeing if you can get a design printed on a t-shirt. read below and consider previous years examples. you also could possibly get a little cash!

Each year we like to redo our logo and put it on several hundred t-shirts. In the past we have had the logo done by one of our board members or a board member's family member. For 2011 we thought it would be fun to open it up to our fans and local artists. We are looking for something fun and bold. (Below you can see a few of our past designs.) You can incorporate the words "Rock and Romp" in the design or we can add it in later.

To sweeten the pot we are offering a $200 prize for the winning design. In addition, the designer will get a season pass to Rock-n-Romp, two free tees, and the opportunity to showcase his/her work at one of our shows (if applicable).

We encourage artists, parents, and children to enter! Please send a jpeg image with the artist's name, age, etc. to by December 15th. We will choose the winner before Christmas. That means extra money to go shopping!

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