Monday, November 22, 2010

Create Two InDesign Projects

Okay...Great. You all are on your way to winning Addy's for the rest of your life. You can, almost, dropout and go work for a graphic design firm.

There are TWO requirements for the next assignment

1. You are to create a brochure of the work of one of you peers in class. It is to include projects we worked on in class. The projects can be reworked or completely new projects, just so that they are from one of your peers, not yours. You are to include a statement from the artist, a project description, and whatever the artist may want. You are working for them, the client. Do as they say.

You will need to haver at least three pages for the brochure, single sided. It can be whatever size and format you decide with your client. There does have to be at least four images per page for a grand total of 12 images. There needs to be an appropriate amount of text, read through magazine ads and articles to see how they are laid out. Tear some of these out and put in your sketchbook. just to give you some ideas.

Be sure to include some sort of background if necessary.
Make sure the images you use are at least 300DPI, otherwise you will have a bad, pixelated print...which is bad for your grade.

During the critique the artist will talk about what they wanted and want they got. Did they get what they had in mind?

2. You are also to create your own design. It can be whatever you wish. There needs to be at least three pages for this project as well. The number of images and amount of text are up to you, but make sure there is enough to make sense for the design. They are also to be similar in theme, color, design, and/or subject matter. Do not just make three individual projects. Think of it as a print ad for a book, magazine or client. So, if you want to recreate three more ad layouts, or a series of rock posters, or a photo album, or a calendar, it is up to you, be creative!!!
Try to keep it at four or five images minimum per page, but, again, it is up to you and your design.

These are to be saved as lastname_brochure.indd and lastname_self.indd

.indd is Indesign's file extension.
These are also to be saved as .jpgs to your blog.

These are due December 6, 2010 at 9:00AM sharp. They need to be on your server and printed out on the wall before class.


  1. Hey, guess what. I used InDesign for a page in my Duran paper. Something that's finally useful.

  2. Sweet...extra credit for the effort!

  3. Soo, are we making like a Tri-fold brochure thing? or? i feel at a loss for what the hell is going on. #panic

  4. Does project #2 need to be printed out as well?

  5. I am at school trying to print my work and it is not working... Grrr!!! And it is charging me. So, I give up today... I will come in a bit early tomorrow and hope that it works. I do not know what else to do. I was printing from the preview and it prints an error message on the paper instead of my design.

  6. try printing from photoshop...if that doesnt work, we will see what happens in the morning. did you send in a report to ian that the printer was not working? do that as well.
