Sunday, October 10, 2010

Video Clip

We will be beginning our video clips this week. They are to be 1:00 or 1:30 minutes in length.
You will need to bring in images, photos, videos clips that you want to manipulate and create your own clip. Remember, there is to be no sound for this clip. If you want to take the initiative and add sound in imovie or final cut, that is up to you, but not required.

The clip can be stop motion or a regular film clip. The concept is up to you. Do think about the pace of the clip, are there too many long pauses? do the images make sense? does the story move along or is it stagnant at any part?

October 11th - Begin importing images for video clip...upload images, storyboards, and concepts to your blogs...comments on the ideas of your classmates.

October 18th - Fall Break

October 25th - Video clip is due at 9:00 am. It is to be uploaded to your blog before class.

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