Monday, September 20, 2010


Starting Fall 2010, Crosstown Arts presents MemFEAST, a competitive banquet of art ideas and actions. Equal parts family-style dinner, show-and-tell, and immediate philanthropy, MemFEAST (Memphis Funding Emerging Art with Sustainable Tactics) invites the public to gather together, share a great meal, and democratically fund new and emerging artmakers. 

$25 entitles you to plentiful portions of locally-sourced food and drink (vegan options available) as well as a ballot to vote on one of seven new community art projects from local artists. Everybody pays, everybody votes, and one talented new artist will leave with the funds to make their project a reality.

Friday, October 1 at 427 North Watkins Street (near VINI, Edge Coffeehouse, and the Sears Crosstown Building.)
Starts at 7pm sharp. $25 to eat, drink & vote.
Reservations are encouraged but not required. Get on the list by emailing your name to

By the way, are you an artist? Got a visionary idea for a DIY, community-building public project that you could make happen in a few months with $1500 or less? We want to know about it! For every MemFEAST, we'll select seven artists to make brief presentations about their ideas at the Oct 1 MemFEAST event, which will be voted on by the attendees. The winner leaves with all the night's earnings (up to $1,500!) and a mandate to complete their project within 3 months. Sculptors, book-makers, cooks, muralists, craftsmen, writers, performers, and all others encouraged to apply. Ideas should be achievable, impactful, and communal in nature, preferably able to engage or serve many members of the Memphis public.

Want to get involved? Ask how.

Crosstown Arts is a new non-profit formed to help foster continued growth of the arts community in the Crosstown Area

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