Monday, August 30, 2010

PROJECT #1 – Postcards CRIT

September 6th there will be no class - Labor Day Holiday.

September 13th at 9:00am SHARP - Critique Postcard Project

You are to create six postcards. They can be six completely different postcards, or one that is slightly different (color, opacities, settings, filters...etc)

You are to post the best one in the class folder on the server: DM105 is the name of the folder
5"x 7"  or 7"x 5" 300 dpi - the .psd layered file you have been working on
5"x 7"  or 7"x 5" 300 dpi - a flattened .jpg o the above .psd file

You are to post all six 5"x 7" 72 dpi .jpgs to your blog.
These need to all be posted BEFORE class September 13th

You are also required to make comments on your peers pieces.

Server and Printing Questions

Here is a link on how to connect to the server when you are not in class, at home, in the dorm, library..etc:

How to sign up with your printer card:

Other questions regarding Server, Printing, and IT questions

Monday, August 23, 2010

Photoshop Studies

We will be looking at your FIVE photoshop studies at the beginning of class August 30th. These are to be absolutely different from each other, each one experimenting with a different style, filter, color scheme, etc...Experiment with the tools you are unfamiliar with along with the tools we have already gone over, the only way you are going to learn is to experiment, experiment,, play, play. Nothing is too corny, stupid, dumb, complicated...


each one is to be 5" x 7" at 72 dpi and uploaded to your blog.

Remember to email me your blog address.

Project 1: Postcard Assignment

Intro to Computer Graphics

Project 1: Postcard Assignment

You are to create a postcard of a place you are visiting. A little mini-vacation now that we are back for the semester. The place can be somewhere you have always wanted to go, a place you wish to revisit, or perhaps a place that does not yet even exist.

In the final project, you are to include at least one photograph of yourself, at least one image of the place you are visiting, incorporate the phrase "wish you were here" and be interacting or posing with an object not associated with your scene. (a large tulip in a museum, or a spaceship in a garden, or you are holding a horse, giraffe, truck, creative)

The postcards need to look like one singular image, that you actually look like you are on the Eiffel Tower holding the Statue of Liberty...

I want you to be creative and experiment!!!! You can make a collage of pieces of magazines to bring in to scan and use. You can combine aspects of three different cities to create a new super city.

Required for Monday August 30th: 10 -15 photos of yourself and 10-15 DIFFERENT possibilities for your scene. (bring in the magazines, books, photos, calendars, want to use and scan)
These are to be 5" x 7" or 7" x 5" at 300 dpi in both .psd and .jpeg formats...
You are to save one at 72 dpi and upload to your blog.

August 30 - Bring in materials to class and begin postcard assignment

September 6 - No Class - Labor Day Holiday

September 13 - Critique Project 1 before lunch begin Project 2 demo

Postcard Examples - Ideas


Dwayne Butcher

Office hours: 3:30 – 4:00 PM Monday MacLab 2 and by appointment

Email is the preferred method of communication.


DM105 Introduction to Computer Graphics.(3 credits)
Fundamentals of computer operations, graphical user interface, scanning, and printing are introduced. Concentration on 2-D imaging creation is the focus of this course. Students will use raster, vector, and layout programs to create original works. Prerequisite: none

This course introduces various, established techniques for creating art using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator CS5 while encouraging each student to explore and develop their own individual process.  The primary focus of each project is to work digitally, but there will be opportunities to merge images created by both digital and traditional means. 
All students exiting this course will be able to create a digital document ready for print and optimized for display on the web.
It is imperative that every one approaches the activities and exercises of the course with a completely open mind. Students will develop an understanding of how an artist’s decisions communicate his or her identity and culture.

Additionally, each student will be required to create and maintain a blog for this class using  is the blog for this class.  You will find the syllabus, project assignments, due dates, images and other helpful links on this site. You are also expected to set up and maintain (regularly update) your own blog for this course. You will post your research and document detailed logs of the procedures used for each assignment. You are to post your final pieces of each assignment before they are due in class. You will also be required to post comments on your classmate’s blogs as a way to continue the discussion and understanding of projects outside of the class.

I will be checking your blogs several times during the week and your participation on the blogs are part of your final grade.

This course consists of in-class assignments that require additional out-of-class work.  Each project will be graded on research, concept, student preparedness, and the execution of the final product.  Sketchbooks/Blogs are required for collecting research, recording ideas and developing concepts.  Sketches may be drawn, painted, collaged or even composed digitally, printed and then pasted into the sketchbook.
§       Completion of assignment requirements and sketchbook will be based on the following criteria: (60% of Grade)
Quality of craftsmanship
Complexity, Ingenuity, and Uniqueness of Idea
How well the execution defines/illustrates the assignment
Sketchbook/Blog that goes above and beyond requirements and is a piece of art itself.
§       Participation in discussions and critiques, attendance, weekly research and blog comments and your preparedness each day of class. (40% of Grade)
Ready to work on the assignment at hand in a timely
Presentations of completed research materials
Involvement in the critiques and research discussions

You are expected to be in this class, on time, no exceptions. If you miss two classes you cannot expect to get an “A” in this course. Excessive tardiness both in the mornings and after breaks will be noted and will count as absences. Three tardies = One absence.
Absence from crits, even if your work is completed and on the server and blog, will not be tolerated. If you are late, unprepared, or miss the final crit at the end of the semester, you will FAIL this course.
If you should encounter personal problems or illness, it is your responsibility to discuss the situation with the instructor.

·      Critiques are very important.  All work should be completed and in your class folder by 9:00am for critiques.  If you miss a critique your project will be due on the day you return to class.  You are responsible for any projects due or assigned during a class you have missed.
·      Late work is lowered one letter grade each additional week it is late.  It is YOUR responsibility to turn in late work.  I will not ask for it.
·      If you wish to rework any projects you may do so but in a timely manner, the next class period. Late work will not be eligible for reconsideration.

Although you will not get extra credit for the amount of additional reference material in your journal and blog, there is a direct correlation between those journals and blogs that receive outstanding scores and those that are filled with the minimum required. Critique notes, project plans, project material lists, photocopies, research notes, artists suggested to you all make for a rich record of your progress as well as demonstrate overall commitment and focus.

EXHIBITION/ARTIST LECTURE EVENT REPORT: This semester you will be required to attend three art functions in town or on campus. These will be accounted for in your final journal/blog with a brief description of the event. Include: title, artist/s, materials, location, date etc.. and your impressions of the work. What was the best thing about the event? What was the worst? The lecture report assignment is pass/fail.


All students are required to observe studio policies for handling and disposal of hazardous materials


USB Flash Drive (4 GB minimum)
Access to a digital camera, 5 mega pixels or better, for most projects. You can use regular film, but must allow adequate time for developing and scanning.

Your print card must have adequate funds prior to the day of the crit. If a project will be considered late if it is not printed before the crit.

Headphones are permitted but you must be able to hear me if I address you and cannot be worn while I am giving demonstrations.

There will be absolutely NO facebook, myspace, youtube, shopping, or anything else not directly related to class instruction. You may check your mca email during class, but keep it to a minimum. Remember, I can see every computer from my desktop.